Welcome to Delta Sports Group!

We offer a comprehensive range of programs designed to enhance athletic development across all levels. From middle school student-athletes to professional players, we cater to a diverse range of athletes, focusing on improving skills, enhancing performance, and fostering overall athletic growth. Explore our programs below to discover how we can help you unlock your full potential.

Sports Academy for Middle School Athletes: Our sports academy is designed to provide a solid foundation for middle school athletes across Southern California. Through a blend of skill development, strategic training, and character building, we prepare young athletes for success on and off the field.

National-Level 7on7 Teams: Join our elite 7on7 teams and compete at the national level. Our teams offer top-tier coaching, advanced strategies, and exposure to high-level competition, empowering athletes to showcase their skills and reach new heights in their game.

Tackle Teams for Serious Players: For those passionate about the physicality of the game, our tackle teams deliver a challenging and rewarding experience. Led by experienced coaches, our tackle programs focus on technique, teamwork, and game intelligence, preparing players for success in competitive environments.

Delta Career Prep: Our Pre-draft training program is designed to elevate aspiring professional athletes. With specialized coaching, combine preparation, and personalized workouts, we help athletes maximize their potential and stand out during the draft process.

Elite Off-Season Training for Professionals: Professional 

athletes trust Delta Sports Group for elite off-season training. Our customized programs enhance strength, speed, agility, and overall performance, ensuring athletes are primed for peak performance when it matters most.